Results for 'Muhammad Mukhtasar Syamsuddin'

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  1.  18
    Ontological Commitment and Its Implication to Semantical Objects of Religious Language.Muhammad Rodinal Khair Khasri, Mohammad Mukhtasar Syamsuddin & Siti Murtiningsih - 2023 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 3 (2):19-29.
    This research is aimed at explaining and analyzing the ontological status of semantical objects of religious language. This ontological status concern how every term in religious language refers to an object and how we interpret those terms, whether it represents the object itself or merely its sensual or constructive properties. This finding lies in the disputation between religious realism and non-realism. The results of this research are (1) every believer is exactly a realist because he or she has the ontological (...)
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    The Philosophical Criticism Towards the Scientific Determination of Time-of-Death.Ranti Putriani, Mohammad Mukhtasar Syamsuddin & Hardono Hadi - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (6):26-33.
    Determination of time-of-death is closely related to the mortality criteria. In prehistoric times, the criteria of death were narrated through the event of the body being evacuated from the spirit or soul leaving the human body. Along with the development of science in the modern era, scientists argue the criteria of biological death and clinical death. This study projected to critically philosophically analyze the time-of-death determination related to scientific criteria. The methods used in the data analysis stage were historical, hermeneutic, (...)
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  3. Preserving the semantic structure of Islamic key terms and concepts: Izutsu, al-Attas, and al-Raghib al-Isfahani.Syamsuddin Arif - 2007 - Islam & Science 5 (2):107 (10).
    This article compares the elucidation of the semantic structure and fixity of a number of key terms and concepts of the Qur'an by two contemporary scholars, Toshihiko Izutsu (1914-1993) and Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (1931--), with that of al-Raghib al-Isfahani (d. ca 443/1060), the author of the celebrated Kitab al-mufradat fi gharib al-Qur'an. By 'key terms and concepts' are meant those words used by the Qur'an which play a decisive role in making up the basic conceptual structure of the (...)
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    Cess's's Deductions on the Issue of Making Wudu with the Date Nebiz: An Example of Abu Hanifa Advocacy.İbrahim Özpolat - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):504-523.
    This research aims, first of all, to establish that Abû Hanîfa's (d. 150/767) positive view on the issue of performing wudû’ with nabîdh of date is correct, and then to reveal Abû Hanîfa's dalîls on this subject. The issue of wudû’ with nabîdh of date is controversial among early Hanafî jurists, and the jurist who expressed a positive opinion on this issue is Abû Hanîfa, the founding imam of the madhhab. The opinion that wudû’ can be performed with nabîdh of (...)
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  5. Abu call Ahmad Ibn Muhammad miskawayh.Muhammad Miskawayh - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi (eds.), An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--274.
  6. Rethinking the Concept of Fiṭra: Natural Disposition, Reason and Conscience.Syamsuddin Arif - 2023 - American Journal of Islam and Society (Ajis) 40 (3-4):77-103.
    An essay on the philosophy of human nature in Islam, this article examines the views of contemporary Western thinkers to creatively rethink the concept of fiṭra, not only from a theological perspective but also a scientific perspective. Drawing upon Islamic scholarship and previous research on the subject that explore the wide spectrum of connotations couched in the Arabic term fiṭra in comparison with Western perspectives, this study offers a fresh look at, and approach to, the concept of human disposition or (...)
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  7. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, the humanist: a reassessment of the poetry and personality of the poet-philosopher of the East.Muhammad Iqbal - 1997 - Lahore: Iqbal Academy. Edited by Syed Ghulam Abbas.
    Includes an introd. of 49 p. by S. G. Abbas.
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  8. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in the "Lands below the Wind: an ideological father of radicalism or a popular sufi master?Syamsuddin Arif - 2013 - In Birgit Krawietz, Georges Tamer & Alina Kokoschka (eds.), Islamic theology, philosophy and law: debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 220-249.
    While it is true that the intellectual relationship established through multipurpose pilgrimage to the heartland of Islam has never lost its significance, the political implications of this connection seem to be overestimated. In this article I attempt to show that, although the number of writings by and on Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in the Malay-Indonesian language is strikingly considerable, the nature and extent of their impact in the religious life and thought of people have yet to be seen. Hence, to construe (...)
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    Nūr Muḥammad in the Perspective of the Tijaniyah Tarekat.Nur Hadi Ihsan & Muhammad Thoriqul Islam - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (1):23-42.
    Nūr Muḥammad is one of the teachings in Sufism that studies the beginning of the creation of the universe. The Sufis discussed Nūr Muḥammad through God's tajallī (manifestation), and they believed that only Insan Kamil (Perfect Humans) possessed the perfection of His tajallī. This Sufi theory can be comprehended through the dhawqi approach. This research will deal with Nūr Muḥammad's theory of Sufism through the perspective of Tijaniyah Tarekat. The data for this study was obtained through library research utilizing a (...)
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  10. Fenomenologi agama.Syamsuddin Abdullah (ed.) - 1985 - [Jakarta]: Proyek Pembinaan Prasarana dan Sarana Perguruan Tinggi Agama/IAIN di Jakarta, Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Kelembagaan Agama Islam.
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  11. Filsafat Islam - Tradisi dan Kontroversi.Syamsuddin Arif - 2014 - TSAQAFAH - Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 10 (1):221-247.
    Is there such a thing called “Islamic philosophy”? If there is one, what is it? What does it mean for philosophy to be Islamic? How does Islamic philosophy differ from non-Islamic one? Why do some Muslim scholars reject philosophy, ban its instruction, and even scorn its proponents? The present article will address all these questions and seeks to offer a balanced perspective on controversial issues pertaining to philosophy in Islamic intellectual context, drawing upon authoritative, primary sources. The first section deals (...)
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  12. Searching for Islamic Economics: A Philosophical Inquiry.Syamsuddin Arif - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism in Socio-Economics 1 (4):375–392.
    It can hardly be denied that each field of knowledge has its own subject-matter and aims, scope and limits, specific method and distinctive characteristics. Every science has its own historical background and dynamics which explain its emergence and raison d'etre, as well as influence its development over time, expanding and contracting as it were in response to the prevailing Zeitgeist and alongside societal, legal, and political changes. Consequently, each discipline inevitably reflects the realities, beliefs, needs, tendencies, and interests of the (...)
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    Pembacaan baru konsep talak: Studi pemikiran Muhammad sa‘id al-‘asymāwī.Muhammad Fauzinuddin Faiz - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (2).
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  14. Investigating the Psychology of Financial Markets During COVID-19 Era: A Case Study of the US and European Markets.Khurram Shehzad, Liu Xiaoxing, Muhammad Arif, Khaliq Ur Rehman & Muhammad Ilyas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:1-13.
    The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has imperatively shaken the behavior of the global financial markets. This study estimated the impact of COVID-19 on the behavior of the financial markets of Europe and the US. The results revealed that the returns of the S&P 500 index have been greatly affected by a lockdown in the US owing to COVID-19. However, the health crisis generated due to the novel coronavirus significantly decreased the stock returns of the Nasdaq Composite index. The results also showed (...)
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  15. The Art of Debate in Islam: Ṭaşköprüzade’s Ādāb al-Baḥth wa al-Munāẓarah.Syamsuddin Arif - 2020 - Afkār 22 (1):187-216.
    This article presents an analysis of a short treatise entitled Ādāb al-Baḥth wa al-Munāẓarah (The art of discussion and disputation) by the celebrated Ottoman scholar Abu al-Khayr ‘Iṣām al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafā ibn Khalīl Ṭāshkubrīzādah or Ṭaşköprüzade (d. 968 AH/ 1561 CE). An overview of the nomenclature and a brief introduction about the author and his work will be presented along with an annotated English translation of the text in order to highlight Ṭaşköprüzade’s contribution to this nearly forgotten discipline.
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    Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani.M. Din Syamsuddin - 2000 - Jakarta: Logos Wacana Ilmu. Edited by AbdRohim Ghazali.
    Religious ethics in the Islamic civil society in Indonesia.
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  17. Neither Created Nor Destructible: Ibn Sīnā on the Eternity of the Universe.Syamsuddin Arif - 2020 - Al-Shajarah 25 (1):85-106.
    This article discusses Ibn Sīnā’s reasons for upholding the eternity of the world in his major philosophical writings and the ensuing heated debate between his detractors (al-Ghazālī, al-Shahrastānī and al-Rāzī) and supporters (al-Ṭūsī and al-Āmidī). I argue that notwithstanding the responses and surrejoinders it had elicited, Ibn Sīnā’s position on the issue is indeed coherent and irrefutable, since he distinguishes three modes of eternity, corresponding to the hierarchy of beings which he introduced, namely, (i) absolutely eternal (by virtue of itself); (...)
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    The Roots of Modern Political Secularism and its Critique.Muhammad Fajar Pramono & Bayu Sunarya - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):293-310.
    Discussions about politics and human power, including discussions about the concept of the state, have been a discussion that has been going on since Greek times until the time of the growth of Islamic philosophy. The overemphasis on the power of reason led early modern Western societies to reject religion in all political discourse. At this stage, all views of man, power, the constitution, and the state eventually ceased to be associated with God. On the other hand, especially among Muslims, (...)
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    Prediction of life-story narrative for end-of-life surrogate’s decision-making is inadequate: a Q-methodology study.Muhammad M. Hammami, Kafa Abuhdeeb, Muhammad B. Hammami, Sophia J. S. De Padua & Areej Al-Balkhi - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):28.
    Substituted judgment assumes adequate knowledge of patient’s mind-set. However, surrogates’ prediction of individual healthcare decisions is often inadequate and may be based on shared background rather than patient-specific knowledge. It is not known whether surrogate’s prediction of patient’s integrative life-story narrative is better. Respondents in 90 family pairs rank-ordered 47 end-of-life statements as life-story narrative measure and completed instruments on decision-control preference and healthcare-outcomes acceptability as control measures, from respondent’s view and predicted pair’s view. They also scored their confidence in (...)
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    The Educational Philosophy of Elijah Muhammad: Education for a New World.Abul Pitre & Tynnetta Muhammad - 2007 - Upa.
    Features new to the second edition include a foreword by Tynnetta Muhammad, wife and student of Elijah Muhammad; opening comments by world renowned mathematician Dr. Abdulalim Sahabazz; a new chapter co-authored with Dr. Dorothy Blake Fardan; plus guided questions and power point notes to stimulate discourse around Elijah Muhammad's educational ideas.
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    Three Shadow Plays by Muḥammad Ibn DāniyālThree Shadow Plays by Muhammad Ibn Daniyal.Everett K. Rowson, Muḥammad Ibn Dāniyāl, Paul Kahle & Muhammad Ibn Daniyal - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):462.
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  22. Knowledge, language, thought, and the civilization of Islam: essays in honor of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.MohdNor Wan Daud, Muhammad Zainiy Uthman & Muhammad Naguib Al-Attas (eds.) - 2010 - Skudai, Johor Darul Ta'zim, Malaysia: UTM Press.
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    Corporate Governance and Supplemental Environmental Projects: A Restorative Justice Approach.Muhammad Nadeem - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2):261-280.
    Firms have traditionally responded to environmental violations by increasing information disclosure and/or communication to manage stakeholder perceptions. As such, these approaches may be symbolic in nature, with no genuine intention to improve the environment. We draw from restorative justice grounded in stakeholder theory and explore a relatively new approach in the form of supplemental environmental projects aimed at restoring the environment, and empirically examine the role of corporate governance in firms’ decisions to undertake reparative actions. Using environmental violations and SEPs (...)
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    Mengagas etika Islami untuk abad ke-21: sebuah eksplorasi pemikiran etika Tariq Ramadan.Muhammad Fuad - 2023 - Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
    On the discourse of Islamic ethics and its relation to contemporary modern societies based on the thoughts of Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Muslim scholar.
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  25. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people: exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other: being a translation of the Akhlak-i Jalaly... from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1839 - Karachi: Karimsons. Edited by W. F. Thompson.
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  26. Natural Categories and Human Kinds: Classification in the Natural and Social Sciences.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The notion of 'natural kinds' has been central to contemporary discussions of metaphysics and philosophy of science. Although explicitly articulated by nineteenth-century philosophers like Mill, Whewell and Venn, it has a much older history dating back to Plato and Aristotle. In recent years, essentialism has been the dominant account of natural kinds among philosophers, but the essentialist view has encountered resistance, especially among naturalist metaphysicians and philosophers of science. Informed by detailed examination of classification in the natural and social sciences, (...)
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  27. نسبی‌انگاری ارزش‌ها و گرایش‌های درباره خود.Peyman Jabbari, Mohsen Javadi & Muhammad Legenhausen - 2023 - فلسفه 20 (2):35-56.
    نسبی‌انگاری اخلاقی یکی از مکاتب کهن فرااخلاقی است که به وجود ویژگی‌های اخلاقی، و صدق و توجیه احکام اخلاقی می‌پردازد. با این حال، بخشی از بحث‌های مربوط به نسبی‌انگاری متوجّه معناشناسی جملات نسبی است. نظریات نسبی‌انگارانۀ سنّتی زمینه‌گرا هستند، به این معنا که احکام اخلاقی را دارای عنصری می‌دانند که به نحوی ارجاع به گوینده دارد. این دیدگاه نسبی‌انگاری را با چالش‌هایی مواجه می‌کند، از جمله این‌که اختلاف نظر که یکی از اسباب عمدۀ گرایش به نسبی‌انگاری است، به سوء تفاهم (...)
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    Role of social media marketing activities in China’s e-commerce industry: A stimulus organism response theory context.Muhammad Sohaib, Asif Ali Safeer & Abdul Majeed - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social media marketing has become one of the most significant growth paths for many businesses in today’s world. However, many companies are still unclear about using social media marketing to get their advantages, particularly in an e-commerce environment. In this background, this study is proposed to examine the effects of social media marketing activities on relationship quality, such as commitment, trust, and satisfaction in order to predict consumers’ online repurchase intentions in China’s e-commerce environment. This study proposed a theoretical model (...)
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  29. Three Kinds of Social Kinds.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (1):96-112.
    Could some social kinds be natural kinds? In this paper, I argue that there are three kinds of social kinds: 1) social kinds whose existence does not depend on human beings having any beliefs or other propositional attitudes towards them ; 2) social kinds whose existence depends in part on specific attitudes that human beings have towards them, though attitudes need not be manifested towards their particular instances ; 3) social kinds whose existence and that of their instances depend in (...)
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  30. Patients’ perceived purpose of clinical informed consent: Mill’s individual autonomy model is preferred.Muhammad M. Hammami, Eman A. Al-Gaai, Yussuf Al-Jawarneh, Hala Amer, Muhammad B. Hammami, Abdullah Eissa & Mohammad A. Qadire - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):2.
    Although informed consent is an integral part of clinical practice, its current doctrine remains mostly a matter of law and mainstream ethics rather than empirical research. There are scarce empirical data on patients’ perceived purpose of informed consent, which may include administrative routine/courtesy gesture, simple honest permission, informed permission, patient-clinician shared decision-making, and enabling patient’s self decision-making. Different purposes require different processes.
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  31. Sufi Epistemology: Ibn 'Arabi on Knowledge.Syamsuddin Arif - 2002 - AFKAR - Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought 3 (1):81-94.
    This paper discusses the definition and sources of knowledge according to Ibn 'Arabi, the leading Sufi master of Andalusia (Muslim Spain).
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    Interplay of eco-friendly factors and islamic religiosity towards recycled package products: A cross-cultural study.Qingyu Zhang, Mudassir Husnain, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Waheed Akhtar, Saqib Ali, Mussadiq Ali Khan, Qamar Abbas, Riffat Ismail, Tayyab Rehman & Muhammad Akram - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Climate change has increasingly been recognised and associated with consumer behaviour: Practitioners are developing their strategies to reduce environmental degradation while increasing the management of sustainable consumption; it needs to better understand consumer attitudes and eco-friendly factors about the issue. Therefore, the current study focused to understand the effects of pro-environmental factors on individuals’ environmental attitudes through the lens of theory of planned behaviour in a cross-cultural setting. Moreover, present research focuses on the moderating role that religiosity plays in causal (...)
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    The need for a knife: basic questions and answers about life.Muhammad Muneer Dahab - 2013 - Saratoga, CA: Millennial Mind Publishing.
    The philosopher's stone : the epitome of my knowledge -- Preface -- Introduction -- Collectania -- The need for a tool -- A dream to organize chaos -- Substance abuse and a headache -- A habit from paradise -- A sealed story -- Stealing a seal -- Loosing a tool -- Believe it or not -- A blessing in curse-dressing -- Growing pains -- Lost paradises -- Diaries, my beloved diaries -- A taste like honey -- Physics of the heart (...)
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  34. Etika bisnis dalam paradigma spiritualitas dan kearifan lokal.Muhammad Djakfar - 2019 - Malang: UIN-Maliki Press.
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    Jalan Sufi Ranggawarsita.Muhammad Zaairul Haq - 2011 - Kreasi Wacana.
    On sufism of Ranggawarsita teachings on Javanese philosophy.
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  36. Al-Qur'an, Orientalisme dan Luxenberg.Syamsuddin Arif - 2005 - AFKAR - Journal of 'Aqidah and Islamic Thought 6:55-76.
    The article focuses on issues related to the Qur'an, Orientalism and the controversial writer Christoph Luxenberg. A brief survey on studies by the Orientalist on the Qur'an is presented. It explains some critical confusions and misunderstandings by the Orientalist concerning the Qur'an especially that related to the authenticity of the Qur'an, as well as its writing and recitation tradition. The application of the philological methods used in the Biblical studies on the Qur'an is discussed. The article ends with a critical (...)
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  37.  16
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on Editorial Boards of Global Health Journals.Muhammad Romail Manan, Iqra Nawaz, Sara Rahman, Areeba Razzaq, Fatima Zafar, Arisha Qazi & Kiera Liblik - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (3):209-239.
    Journals have been described as “duty bearers” of upholding fundamental ethical principles that are essential for maintaining the ethical integrity of newly generated and disseminated knowledge. To play our part, we evaluated diversity and inclusion in the leadership and management of global and international health journals. We developed Journal Diversity Index (JDI) to measure three parameters of diversity and representation (gender, geographic, socioeconomic status). Relevant information regarding editorial board members of systematically screened journals was sequentially extracted and job titles were (...)
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  38. Intuitive Knowledge in Ibn Sīnā: Its Distinctive Features and Prerequisites.Syamsuddin Arif - 2002 - Al-Shajarah 7 (2):213-251.
    Intuition (hads) as a function of 'aql, fitrah and khirad, according to Ibn Sina, not only constitutes the basis of all learning, and hence a way for arriving independently at new knowledge, but serves as means for verifying what has been studied and learned from others, representing direct insight into the true nature of reality as a coherent whole. Some questions remain, however, as to what distinguishes intuition from other kinds of cognition and what is so special about intuitive knowledge (...)
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  39. Divine Emanation as Cosmic Origin: Ibn Sīnā and His Critics.Syamsuddin Arif - 2012 - TSAQAFAH - Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 8 (2):331-346.
    The question of cosmic beginning has always attracted considerable attention from serious thinkers past and present. Among many contesting theories that have emerged, that of emanation was appropriated by Muslim philosophers like Ibn Sînâ in order to reconcile the Aristotelian doctrine of the eternity of matter with the teaching of al-Qur’ân on the One Creator-God. According to this theory, the universe, which comprises a multitude of entities, is generated from a transcendent Being, the One, that is unitary, through the medium (...)
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  40. Al-Āmidi’s Reception of Ibn Sīnā: Reading al-Nūr al-Bāhir fi al-Ḥikam al-Zawāhir.Syamsuddin Arif - 2010 - In Tzvi Langermann (ed.), Avicenna and His Legacy: A Golden Age of Science and Philosophy. Brepols. pp. 205-219.
    Contrary to the widespread assumption, philosophy in the Islamic world did not begin with al-Kindi nor ended with Ibn Rushd (Averroes). This article looks into the metaphysics part of Sayf al-Din al-Amidi's kitab al-Nur al-Bahir fi al-Hikam al-Zawahir ('The Splendid Light on the Bright Wisdom') in order to show the continuity of philosophy in post-classical period.
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  41. Ibn Sina's Idea of Nature and Change.Syamsuddin Arif - 2007 - AFKAR - Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought 8 (1):111-139.
    This article discusses Ibn Sina's idea of 'nature' and his theory of change, including that of substantial change, in comparison with the views held by Aristotle and some Pre-socratic philosophers.
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  42. The Universe as a System: Ibn Sīnā’s Cosmology Revisited.Syamsuddin Arif - 2012 - In Muzaffar Iqbal (ed.), New Perspectives on the History of Islamic Science - Volume 3. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. pp. 54-71.
    This article explores Ibn Sīnā’s cosmological views and analyzes the underlying assumptions and arguments in support of the theories to which he subscribes. These include the notions of the central and stationary position of the earth in a finite, spherical cosmos, the impossibility of the existence of many universes, and the metaphysical forces that drive, guide, and maintain the perpetual movement of cosmic bodies.
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    The ethics of al-Ghazali: a composite ethics in Islam.Muhammad Abul Quasem - 1974 - Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books.
  44. Interactive kinds.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2):335-360.
    This paper examines the phenomenon of ‘interactive kinds’ first identified by Ian Hacking. An interactive kind is one that is created or significantly modified once a concept of it has been formulated and acted upon in certain ways. Interactive kinds may also ‘loop back’ to influence our concepts and classifications. According to Hacking, interactive kinds are found exclusively in the human domain. After providing a general account of interactive kinds and outlining their philosophical significance, I argue that they are not (...)
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  45. Causality in Islamic Philosophy: The Arguments of Ibn Sīnā.Syamsuddin Arif - 2012 - In Muzaffar Iqbal (ed.), New Perspectives on the History of Islamic Science - Volume 3. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. pp. 299-316.
    This article is intended to provide insight into aspects of Ibn Sīnā’s natural philosophy. It will summarize his interpretation of the Aristotelian four causes, explicate his theory of efficient and necessary causal linkage, and analyze his arguments for causal efficacy. Finally, it will discuss Ibn Sīnā’s views on chance happenings in nature.
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    Assessing the subtitling of emotive reactions: a social semiotic approach.Muhammad A. A. Taghian & Ahmad M. Ali - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (252):51-96.
    This article attempts to evaluate emotive meanings across languages and cultures expressed and elicited semiotically from viewers. It investigates the challenges of subtitling emotive feelings in the American filmHomeless to Harvard(2003) into Arabic. It adopts Paul Thibault’s (2000. The multimodal transcription of a television advertisement: Theory and practice. In Anthony Baldry (ed.),Multimodality and multimediality in the distance learning age, 311–385. Campobasso: Palladino Editore) method of multimodal transcription and Feng and O’Halloran’s (2013. The multimodal representation of emotion in film: Integrating cognitive (...)
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  47. Intuition and Its Role in Ibn Sīnā’s Epistemology.Syamsuddin Arif - 2000 - Al-Shajarah 5 (1):95-126.
    This paper reexamines Ibn Sina’s theory of knowledge and discusses the key role he assigns to intuition in solving the epistemological problems of knowing the first principles, the middle terms, primary concepts, and existence of oneself. To reconstruct and give a coherent restatement of his epistemology by means of textual analysis and hermeneusis is certainly a worthwhile task since Ibn Sina’s own statement of his views about knowledge has come down to us in a very disjointed form, scattered throughout his (...)
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    The Dark Side of Organizational Identification: A Multi-Study Investigation of Negative Outcomes.Muhammad Irshad & Sajid Bashir - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  49. Innate cognitive capacities.Muhammad ali KhAlidi - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (1):92-115.
    This paper attempts to articulate a dispositional account of innateness that applies to cognitive capacities. After criticizing an alternative account of innateness proposed by Cowie (1999) and Samuels (2002), the dispositional account of innateness is explicated and defended against a number of objections. The dispositional account states that an innate cognitive capacity (output) is one that has a tendency to be triggered as a result of impoverished environmental conditions (input). Hence, the challenge is to demonstrate how the input can be (...)
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  50. Struggling with the philosopher: a refutation of Avicenna's metaphysics.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani, Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung - 2001 - New York: I.B. Tauris. Edited by Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung.
    Muhammad al-Shahrastani, the famous Muslim theologian of the 12th century and author of the Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects, was greatly influenced by Ismaili teachings. In this work al-Shahrastani refutes the metaphysics of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) from an Ismaili point of view.
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